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Take Back Your Power, Reclaim Your Peace, and Live Happy on Purpose

"We all experience people and situations that somehow, at some point, lead us to a place of questioning our self-worth. The reason it feels unfair is because it is."

So begins Sandy Wardenburg's book - and her life. 

Living through rejection, isolation, and decades of narcissistic emotional abuse in her family, she could have lived as a victim and turned inward. Instead, she took BOLD MOVES to reclaim her life and live happy on purpose.

The purpose of this book is to offer people who have challenging and emotionally debilitating family relationships a strategy to take back their personal power and their personal peace - or discover it for the first time. In this tender and emotionally moving book, Sandy not only offers inspiration, but actionable BOLD MOVES to lift you physically, emotionally, and spiritually from victim to victor.


Mike Michalowicz
Author of Get Different and Profit First

"Your life is meant to be lived by you, for you. In Bold Moves, you will learn how to take back control from people and circumstances that are forcing a life you neither want nor deserve. Sandy's book is the field guide to fulfillment, happiness, and empowerment. Now is the time for your first bold move- after all, your life is your life."

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Sheree Keely, LCSW
Citizens Against Domestic Violence Executive Director

"Bold Moves is a powerful book! So many people feel powerless, and Sandy offers tools to help guide you to a new life space, one where you set the agenda-not in aggression, hate, or fear but in confidence, compassion, clarity, and love. Sandy gives you a glimpse of her own personal journey that completely transformed her life. If you want to reclaim your life, this is a must-read!"


Dr. Tom Hill
Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneurial Soul and Blessed Beyond Measure

"This book is a hot air balloon ride! Do you have a toxic relationship in your life? Sandy takes your hand and guides you (with worksheets and checklists), so you can begin living your best life. Get your joy back and tame the imposter. Sandy rips off the bandage and gives you permission to say NO!

Hey friends!

I'm Sandy Wardenburg, Author & Certified High-Peformance Coach

We get this one short life. Why not live it happy on purpose?

It's possible!
Like many people, I struggled with toxic, joy-sucking relationships in my life. It's been a journey of BOLD MOVES and it has made all the difference. I believe you can do it too. 

It's taken years of work to step into the power of my confidence, release toxic relationships, propel my business, and finally live a life that makes my soul happy. 

Every single day I CHOOSE HAPPY ON PURPOSE. 

If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!
I believe in you.

Join me on a journey of BOLD MOVES to take back your power, reclaim your peace, and live happy on purpose. 



Subscribe to the Happy On Purpose podcast! 

Personal growth has never been so fun!
Tune in every week and lean into what brings YOU joy.

Follow your passions to build a life of fulfillment and happiness. You’ll laugh, you’ll learn, you'll relate to stories, and you’ll finish each episode motivated and empowered to live life HAPPY ON PURPOSE.



"Sandy was born to do this. She's run a successful digital agency for 23 years, but she's truly on this earth to inspire and change lives. She's a natural coach and leader."

Kate Wright


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"Sandy's book, BOLD MOVES, is incredible. It's going to help so many people finally figure out how to take back their power and start living life on their own terms."

Marc Reisman


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Resources for every stage of your journey.

Experience the Book & Download the Resources

1:1 Coaching

Sandy is a Certified High Performance Coach and Maxwell Leadership Certified Coach. When you work with a highly skilled and highly rated coach, you'll love the experience, raise your game, and change your life!

Online Courses & Resources

Coaching is a commitment.  If you'd rather dictate your pace and style. Take advantage of tons of free resources, webinars, and paid.  Choose what fits your lifestyle and budget right now.

Group Coaching

Our Inner Circle Accountability Network (ICAN) is perfect if you prefer a small group experience. Highly confidential, you'll share goals, insights, and get group coaching at the same time!